
Autometry is an intelligent recruitment automation platform with built in AI to streamline and simplify the recruitment process.

Research methods
Competitor audit, Personas, A/B testing & Prototype testing, Beta Testing
The Team
CEO, 2 Project Managers and a Developer
How I helped
I joined Autometry when they had just received their first seed round and have established a working MVP. Working closely with the CEO's I helped them introduce new workflows and features into the product, deployed a design system, audit the entire user experience and adapted responsiveness across the product.
The Hypothesis
The hypothesis for this project was establishing a platform that can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of matching recruiters to candidates as well as available job opportunities to candidates. Through streamlined workflows, personalized recommendations, combined with a very simple interface, we wanted the ultimate goal to be a notable increase in successful job placements, reduced time-to-hire, and overall client satisfaction among recruiters, all automated.

The assumptions gathered working with the CEO and product owner:

Recruiters seek a platform that simplifies and accelerates the candidate sourcing process, offering them high-quality matches tailored precisely to their job requirements.

The accuracy of the matching algorithm in pairing recruiters with suitable candidates plays a crucial role in the platform's success.

Recruiters prefer an intuitive platform with clear navigation, straightforward workflows, and minimal learning curve to optimise their recruitment process.
The platform will be tied together with an AI algorithm called ADA.
Data on screen needs to be clear, concise and easy to absorb without overwhelming the recruiters.
I continuously worked with the CEOs & PM by conducting User Research & Competitor Analysis sessions on a weekly basis.

To truly grasp the nuances of recruiters' needs and preferences, we initiated one-on-one user interviews with recruiters, aiming to uncover the intricacies of the recruitment process. These interviews provided invaluable insights into recruiters' pain points, challenges, and overarching objectives as well as really learning what they ultimately would want in an automated process. 
Concurrently, recognising the ever evolving landscape of the recruitment process, we also conducted a comprehensive competitor analysis. Despite this still being a very new market within the recruitment space, evaluating existing players allowed us to glean valuable insights into current industry practices, technological advancements, and how they all uniquely optimise strategies tailored for themselves. 
Armed with this knowledge, we transitioned to the core focus of our platform: workflows. Drawing from our initial research findings, we mapped out the user journey, laying the foundation to begin designing an end-to-end experience. This iterative process, informed by initial user feedback, current pain points in the recruitment process and a competitor audit, all served as the foundation to kick off the project.
Autometry already had an established look & feel, along with an mvp dashboard, it just didn't look like a premium product.

During the design phase I pushed the quality of everything further with a fully agnostic design system and updated branding.
We tested the product prototypes using Face-to-face sessions 
with the Clients

Once we had designs ready in production capacity, we deployed A/B tests to gather as much early feedback as possible to fine tune the product and ultimately a live Beta test with a handful of recruitment agencies to gather some qualitative feedback.

Throughout the beta testing phase we captured the following success metrics
Job Placement Rate: Percentage of successfully matched candidates to job postings through the platform. 
Time-to-Hire: Average duration from posting a job to making a successful hire. 
User Engagement: Measure of recruiter interaction with the platform, including frequency of job postings, candidate interactions, and message exchanges. 
Client Satisfaction: Feedback ratings and surveys from recruiters regarding their overall satisfaction with the platform's features and performance. 
Retention Rate: Percentage of recruiters who continue to use the platform over time, indicating its value and effectiveness in meeting their recruitment needs.
AI was always a key component of Autometrys business proposition and was one of it's innovative disruptors.

 Once the products momentum was in a stable environment, we were then able to begin discovery and eventual production work on the AI extension. Taking in lots of research and strategy from current ground breaking design thesis from this sector.
Building the Design system 
& Project Handover

As the lead designer on this project, during the entire design process of the product I tried to keep the user interface as clean and minimal as possible, this then allowed me to develop a versatile and boolean-based design system. This system empowers all future users to effortlessly create, branch, and iterate components whilst crafting new pages and content with ease. Knowing Autometry will grow and gain more funding in the future, during design I had to always take into consideration how the product will continue to adapt new futures.
Utilising variables as the foundation, the components inherit all stylistic attributes, including colours, typography, and elevation, ensuring consistency and cohesion throughout the platform. 
Moreover, we also conducted thorough accessibility testing and documented every aspect of the design system. This documentation houses the anatomy of components, their component base, usage, and component variants. 

As Autometry is a seed stage startup, I finally wrapped everything up with a simple & engaging landing page and then created brand guidelines so the products identity is never lost in other digital collateral.
The challenges I overcame
The recruitment process has a lot of steps, we had to make sure recruiters didn't ever feel like they were wandering through a labyrinth using our dashboard as the workflows can be very overwhelming when there are many turned on. Solving this in turn lead to the beauty of Autometry and how simple to use the UX eventually turned out to be, especially in comparison to all of the competitors in the market.
Ultimately we tackled any challenges by working closely as a team, listening to feedback from the CEO's as well as the incredibly insightful recruiters who kept feeding us back with their user experience and any new features they'd see value from.  of working on an early stage startup e were never afraid to tweak things until they just worked.

In the end, we came up with a dashboard product that's now a major disruptor in the market, user-friendly, efficient, and one in which recruiters are now seeing immense value from.

The Impact
✓  Second round of investment achieved
✓  Overwhelmingly positive feedback from clients
✓  100% engagement results with all new features
✓  Reduction in cost and length of time to match candidates to jobs
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